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  • Deprecated function: implode(): Passing glue string after array is deprecated. Swap the parameters in drupal_get_feeds() (line 394 of /home/kentgliding2020/

Contact Us at Kent Gliding Club

Kent Gliding Club
Squids Gate
TN25 4DR
Tel: 01233 740274



Our site is on the North Downs approximately 5 miles north west of Ashford Kent, between the villages of Charing and Challock.

Kent Gliding Club on Google Maps (Opens in new window)

Directions from London:- Leave the M20 at junction 8, follow signs for Lenham to join the A20. Follow the A20 past Lenham and on towards Charing. At the Charing roundabout on the A20 follow the signs for Canterbury (A252) up Charing Hill. After approx 2 miles, turn right into Squid Gate Lane which is signposted "Gliding Club". The Club house is at the the end of the lane.

Directions from Canterbury:- Leave Canterbury on the A28 from Wincheap. Continue straight along the A28 and then continue onto the A252.  Approximately 2 miles after the village of Challock the left turn into Squids Gate Lane is signposted "Gliding Club". The Club house is at the the end of the lane.

You can zoom in/out using the magnifing glass in the map below


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